Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading, Reading all the day...

I have been trying for a while now to no avail to get Little to sit still long enough to read him a little book. I couldn't figure out if it was just the boy genetics or that he wasn't old enough, but he would only wiggle and whine until I let him out of my grasp to crawl, grab and mawl anything within reach.
Just after he turned one year old I accomplished the aforementioned task, for a mere 2 minutes while I sang the wheels on the bus from a book, but I accomplished it. Since then he has begun to let me rock him before bed and read to him whether it be from the scriptures or from my favorite story book of all time; BEST STORYBOOK EVER, 1968 by Richard Scarry.
This night time ritual has become a cherished time and Little sleeps better than ever!

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